Setup - Linux with GUI

1. Start setup

After downloading Intrexx, unzip the downloaded package. Then start the file Select Complete installation and follow the instructions in the dialog. Then open the Portal Manager, select New portal, and, using the following dialogue, create a new portal.

While creating a portal, you can use the PostgreSQL database, and the newly created intrexx user. Please enter the following connection data: The services upixsupervisor, upixtomcat, upixderby, upixp_Portalname and upixsolr are already configured in such a way that they will automatically be launched at system start. If necessary, you can manually stop or start the services. Please use the following syntax in the terminal to do that:


systemctl start / stop / restart / status upixsupervisor
systemctl start / stop / restart / status upixderby
systemctl start / stop / restart / status upixtomcat
systemctl start / stop / restart / status upixp_Portalname
systemctl start / stop / restart / status upixsolr

Fedora / RedHat

systemctl start / stop / restart / status upixsupervisor
systemctl start / stop / restart / status upixderby
systemctl start / stop / restart / status upixtomcat
systemctl start / stop / restart / status upixp_Portalname
systemctl start / stop / restart / status upixsolr


/etc/init.d/upixsupervisor start / stop / restart / status
/etc/init.d/ upixderby start / stop / restart / status
/etc/init.d/ upixtomcat start / stop / restart / status
/etc/init.d/ upixp_Portalname start / stop / restart / status
/etc/init.d/ upixsolr start / stop / restart / status


initctl start / stop / restart / status upixsupervisor
initctl start / stop / restart / status upixderby
initctl start / stop / restart / status upixtomcat
initctl start / stop / restart / status upixp_Portalname
initctl start / stop / restart / status upixsolr
To find out how to create a new portal, click here.

2. PostgreSQL installation

To use PostgreSQL as the database for Intrexx, it needs to be installed - together with the relevant system tools - as a component of the current Linux distribution afterwards. You can find out more about which Versions of PostgreSQL databases are supported by Intrexx here.


With SuSE Linux, use (for example) the system program yast or yast2. There you will additionally need to install the packages postgresql (Clients and Utilities) and postgresql-server (Server). It is also recommended that pgadmin3 is installed to manage the databases, provided a desktop environment is available on the server. If you only have the command line available, you can install PostgreSQL as the root user in the following manner:
zypper install postgresql postgresql-server 

Fedora/Red Hat

Open the terminal as the root user and enter the following command:
yum install postgresql postgresql-server


Use the Software Center and Linux, or the Synaptic Package Manager, in Debian. Alternatively, open the terminal and enter:
sudo apt-get install postgresql
After successful installation, the database needs to be configured. To be able to utilize the PostgreSQL DB, it must first be initialized.
service postgresql start
The PostgreSQL DB will thereby be initialized. Subsequently, the two configuration files postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf must be amended as follows (Ubuntu users do not need to make this adjustment). To do this, a suitable editor will be required – for example, Nano. If Nano is not already available, you can install it as follows:

3. PostgreSQL configuration


So that you can edit it, open the file
nano /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/postgresql.conf
in an editor and scroll down to the point Connections and Authentication. You can change the two entries
#listen_addresses ='localhost'
listen_addresses = 'localhost'
and (should the entry be commented out)
#port = 5432
port = 5432
In some older versions of SuSE
tcpip_socket = true
must also be set. Afterwards, save the configuration file with CTRL+O and leave the editor with CTRL+X.


So that you can edit it, open the file
nano /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf
in an editor and scroll down to the end of the file and find the line
host all
Replace ident, which comes after this line, with md5, if md5 is not already defined as the default value. Then save the file and close the editor. To activate the changes made, you will need to restart the postgresql service.
service postgresql restart
Afterwards, a further user must be added. This user will be used later by Intrexx to create the database. To do this, login to the PostgreSQL database with the following commands:
su postgres
Now call up the PostgreSQL terminal with the user postgres and the default database template template1.
psql -U postgres template1 
The following message should now be displayed:
This is psql <VERSION>, the interactive PostgreSQL terminal.
Enter: \copyright for distribution terms \h for help with SQL commands \? for help on internal slash commands \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query \q to quit template1=#
The user (and a freely selectable password) for Intrexx can now be created with the following command:
CREATE USER intrexx PASSWORD 'password' createdb; 
If the password for the user postgres should be changed, please use the following command:
ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'password'; 
Following a successful update, exit the psql Terminal (not the terminal window!) using the commands \q and exit. If the method described above does not work, please try making the change in the terminal with the commands
sudo -u postgres psql
\password postgres

4. Parallel installations

If you would like to install multiple instances of Intrexx, please consider the following points: