Main menu in the Relationships module



Connect portal service

This menu item opens the dialog to log in to a portal.

Disconnect portal service

This menu item will log off an opened portal. You will be notified of unsaved changes with a message.

New relationship diagram

This menu item will create a new relationship diagram.

Open relationship diagram

With this menu item, the existing relationship diagrams will be listed in the Relationship Manager and can be opened for editing.

Open relationship diagram as copy

Creates a copy of the current relationship diagram and opens it on the workspace.

Close relationship diagram

Closes a relationship diagram.

Close all relationship diagrams

Closes all currently opened relationship diagrams.

Import / Export relationship diagram

You can find the description of both of these functions here.

Publish relationship diagram

Saves the currently opened relationship diagram on the server.

Save relationship diagram locally

With this menu item, a relationship diagram that is visible on the workspace can be saved with current changes to a local directory of your choice or to a network directory, with the extension .ixrs.

Delete relationship diagram

With this menu item, the Relationship Manager will open. There, already published processes can be deleted.

Export as graphic

Exports the relationship diagram as a graphic file.


Closes the Portal Manager.



Undo the most recent editing step.


Repeats the most recent editing step.


Copies the element that is currently highlighted on the workspace to the clipboard.


Pastes the contents of the clipboard underneath the highlighted element on the workspace.


Deletes the currently highlighted elements.

Delete single element

Deletes the currently highlighted element.

Copy properties

Copies an element's properties.

Apply properties

Applies the element's copied properties to the currently highlighted element.

Create / Remove link

Creates a link or removes an existing link.

Show links

Shows all links to the highlighted element in the Search area.

Activate / Deactivate

Activates or deactivates the currently selected element from the relationship diagram.

Select all

Highlights all elements on the workspace.


Opens the properties of an element.


Opens the details dialog with additional information about the relationship element.


Relationship wizard

Opens the relationship wizard, which will support you in creating a new element.


Opens the dialog to create a new relationship.


Opens the dialog to create a new link.


With this menu, the individual windows of the Relationships module can be shown or hidden.

Global views

Via this menu item, views of the Session activity, the Database activity and the Memory usage will be displayed in the lower area of the Portal Manager.

Restore default view

Restore default view will arrange all areas according to the original view mode.


Activate / Deactivate

Activates or deactivates the complete relationship diagram. If a relationship diagram is deactivated, a link will be shown under the title. Clicking on this link will activate the diagram again.

Export / Import texts

Using this function, all names and titles of the elements of a relationship diagram can be exported to, or imported from, an XML file. With this, a relationship diagram can be translated conveniently into another language.


Opens the properties dialog of the relationship diagram.


Opens the details dialog with additional information about the relationship diagram.