Search - Facets

Tools module Search

Facets are categories that can be assigned to data fields in the Search configuration in applications. In the browser, users have the option to use facets when searching and thus restrict the results shown.

Facet column

The ID of every facet created in search configurations in applications is listed here.

References column

You can see the number of search configurations in which the facet is used here.

Add search facet
Adds a new facet.

Delete search facet
Deletes an facet from the list.

Copy language

Copies the facet's title from the source language to the language which can be selected in the next dialog.



The ID of the currently selected facet is shown here. This can also modified.

Please note that the assignment of the facets in the applications' search configurations will be discarded when the Facet ID is modified.

Language column

All of the portal languages are listed here.

Title column

The value of the facet can be edited by double-clicking in the corresponding cell. This value, or rather title, is used in the search with facets depending on the language settings of the user.

Add language
Adds a new language to the details.

Delete language
Removes a language from the list.


Clicking on this button saves the settings made.


Clicking on this button discards all changes that have not been saved.