FileWalker - General settings


Enter a Name for the connection.


With Search, released directories can be selected.

Standard client path

In the Standard Client Path field, the directory for access to clients will be entered. As the mapping for client and server access (such as in heterogeneous network environments) may vary, the directory path and the standard client path can differ.

Consider user file permissions

With the setting Consider user file permissions, only files for users with sufficient permissions will be shown.

Enable search (generate search index)

By selecting the option Enable search a search index of the files embedded via FileWalker will be generated.

Always use in global search

Always use in global search makes the index available via the global search of the portal.

Hit visualization style

With Hit visualization style, you will define whether hits in files will show No summary (only title, file name and path), or the Document summary (additional information entered to the document properties). The selection of Highlight hits in document text has the effect of optically highlighting hits in the text of the document.
If the option is selected to highlight hits in the document text here,this will lead to both greater system loads during the query, as well as to an increased index, as the file contents must then be added to the index.

Standard character set

In Standard character set the character set which will be used for the search will be defined.