View table - Navigation element

Applications module View table, Free layout table, Research Properties dialog / Options tab Navigation element

Show first / last data record

With this setting, links below the table will be shown that allow you to navigate to the first or last data record on the first or last page of the table respectively.

Show previous / next page

This setting shows links below the table that allow you to move to the previous or next page of the table.

Show each page

Shows links to the page numbers of the table, via which you can switch directly to the individual pages.

Number of records per page

In the browser, a drop-down list allows you to set how many data records can be shown per table page.

Maximum number of records per page

A user will not be able to select a higher value in the browser. If you select the value -1 as a maximum number, the highest value that can be selected in the browser will correspond to the number of data records.

Show total number of records

The sum of all data records that are contained in the table (including pages that are not visible) will be shown.

Edit text

By default, the sum is determined with the function $totalCount results. If required, you can enter a text of your choice or use a constant that provides the text.

Show sorting

This displays a drop-down list, from which a data field, that defines the sorting order, can be selected. In a further list, the sorting in the browser can be set as descending or ascending order.

Always show navigation element

If this property is not set, the navigation element will only be shown if the table contains multiple pages.