Filter definitions

Applications module Properties Filter

1. Join

If you create multiple filter expressions, the type of Join is selectable. An AND linking will return only data records that fulfill all criteria, and an OR linking will return only the data records that fulfill a minimum of one criterion.

2. Data group

First, select the data group, from which the values are to be filtered. The filter can also use data fields from a higher or lower data group level, i.e. parent or child data groups.

3. Data field

The data field will be defined in the Data field drop-down list. All data fields of the current application, including reference fields, can be chosen.

4. Operation

Select the operator here. Depending on the type of data field selected, the following operators are available:

Data type string, longtext

Operator Delivers
Equal Identical string (case sensitive)
Unequal All non-identical strings
Smaller than, or equal Strings with smaller or equal number of character values (ASCII)
Smaller than Strings with smaller number character values (ASCII)
Exceeding or equal Strings with exceeding or equal number of character values (ASCII)
Exceeding Strings with exceeding number of character values (ASCII)
Undefined Field does not contain any valid data or has not been initialized
Defined Fields with any number of entries (also empty fields when saving a page without an entry)
Contains Field contains string of reference value
Starting with Strings with initial characters equalling the reference value
Ending with Strings with last character equalling the reference value

The operators Less than or equal, Less than, Greater than or equal, and Greater than offer special usefulness when filtering customer or product numbers that are made up of number and letter strings. With the number “C1000”, the ASCII value of the character string can deliver smaller numbers. The capital letter C has an ASCII value of 67, the number 1 has the value 49, and the number 0 has the value 48. The operators named above compare ASCII values lexicographically. With the operator Less than, all numbers that are smaller than C1000 will be returned (C999, C998, etc.). In order to deliver data sets that possess no entry in the data field, a query must be made with an OR link, i.e. whether the value of the field is NULL (operator: Undefined), or whether the entry is empty because no entry has been saved. In order to return an empty string, select the operator Equals and set the comparison value to User-defined. The Character string field will remain empty in this case. If all fields will be filtered to return entries (no empty string and no NULL), the filter must be run in this way with an AND linking.

Data type integer, float, datetime

Operator Delivers
Equal Equal values
Unequal Unequal values
Smaller than, or equal Smaller or equal values
Smaller than Smaller values
Exceeding, or equal Exceeding or equal values
Exceeding Exceeding values
Undefined Field does not contain valid data or has not been initialized
Defined Fields containing entries
is contained in See hint below

The operator Is contained in will deliver, for example, the manager of a user. The filter will be set up for the system field PK (S) LID from the application Users in this case, which returns all user IDs. The operator Is contained in will compare the user IDs in the list to the Superior ID contained within the data of the current user.

Data type boolean

Operator Delivers the result
Equal Equal logical value
Undefined Fields with the value NULL
Defined Fields with either the value True or False

5. Negation

For the operators Contains, Begins with, and Ends with, the setting for Negation can be selected. This will filter all data records for those in which the set condition does not apply. When one creates, for example, a filter expression for the User Manager that checks whether the name Meier is contained in the Full name data field, all users with the last name of Meier will be identified. With the Negation setting, all users will be identified in which the name Meier is not contained.

6. Comparative value

6.1. Data field

In the Data field drop-down list, a data or reference field of your choice can be chosen for comparison. Comparing fields is only possible with fields of the same data type. The drop-down list will automatically only show fields where this is possible.

6.2. Current value

With this comparison value, a filter can be placed on a page that shows a single data record, which will show all additional data records of the data group that contain the current value of the selected data field. The filter can, for example, be used to show all keys that have been given to an employee. For this to occur, a way of identifying the employee (such as a personnel number) must be saved within every data record of the data group. For the comparison with the current values, you can only select data fields, which are linked to a control on the same page. The same value must therefore be shown, for example, in an edit or view element on the page.

6.3. Current user - Comparison with an integer data field

6.4. Current user - Comparison with other data types

If a data field is selected that doesn't have the type Integer, a comparison can be made here with the corresponding fields from the User manager.

6.5. System value

6.6. System value - Comparison with a datetime data field

If the selected data field is a datetime data field, the value of that field can be compared with the current date. You can find out more about adjusting dates here.
Please note when filtering time periods that a day always begins at 0:00. If you'd like to filter the period of 01/08 until 05/08, the filter expression must be >01/08 and <06/08. so that 05/08 is included in the filter.

6.7. System value - Comparison with a string or text data field

String or text data fields can be compared with the system value exchange mailbox info. The following values are available: The comparison value Language will filter the table entries depending on the language setting of the portal. A requirement of this is that all data fields that will be compared must have a language key (such as de, en) for every data record. The comparison value Layout will filter the table entries depending on the current layout of the portal.

6.8. User-defined

As user-defined, static comparison values, any character string can be entered to compare string data fields. Please note that capitalization will be considered here. Integer and Float data fields can be compared with a number. Datetime data fields can be compared with a date.