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Exporting and importing Portals

On the startpage of the Portal Manager complete Portals including all data can be exported and imported via the menu portal / export portal or the menu portal / import portal. To do this, you must be logged onto the portal and possess the appropriate access permissions.

Exporting Applications

In the module Applications applications, including processes that are connected to them, relationship charts, group permissions, referenced applications and configuration files can be exported via the main menu item File / Export application.

Exporting Relationships

In the module Relationships relationship diagrams can be exported via the menu item File / Export Relationship Diagram.

Exporting Designs

Layouts can be imported and exported via the Design menu item.

Importing Applications, Relationships, Processes, and Layouts

You can start an import of applications, relationships, processes, and layouts in the various modules with the following menu items: To lead you through the various dialog boxes, we will start by describing the process in the Applications module. Even if you start an import from the other modules, the following dialog box is shown first.

User-defined attributes (additional fields)

When importing applications, processes or relations from another source portal, references to user-defined attributes in the User Manager of the original portal must be taken into account.

If the user-defined attribute is not contained in the User Manager of the target portal, a message will be output, noting that the missing attributes must be entered in the Schemes Manager in the User Manager belonging to the current portal.