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Action Type

No action

If you only wish to load a different page, select No action.


This action is available for use on all edit pages. Clicking the button will save the current data record. If a user possesses no permissions to save, change, or delete data in the affected data group, the button will be hidden in the browser.


With this action, the current data record and all dependent data records in subordinate data groups will be deleted.

Data Navigation

With this action type, the button can be used to page through data records. The following actions may be selected: With Save Current Record, a data set will be saved upon moving to another data record.

Data Picker

This button action serves to help with data entry. First, select an edit field that will be used as the Search Field. Select an Application, Data Group, and the Data Field that will be searched through for data. The data may also be restricted with a filter here. Assign the edit fields that will be automatically filled by data from the connected application here. Please note that data fields may only be linked with other data fields of the same data type. Clicking on Advanced opens a dialog where you can change the display of the table where multiple search results will be shown.

Web Service Request

With the action type Web Service Request, which can be chosen from the selection list in the upper area, the button for the web service request can be configured.

““ Configure Web Service will start the registry process of a web service from the module Applications.
Add Web Service Call opens a dialog in which an operation can be selected.
““ Delete Web Service Call deletes an entered request.
““ Edit opens an additional dialog, in which the construction of the web service is represented.

The ““ arrow buttons allow the priority to be changed when multiple calls are entered. Multiple web services will be executed one after another in sequence. The uppermost call will be started first; afterward, all requests below it will follow in order.

With a web service request, a value will be sent. In the lower area of the properties dialog of the button, the structure of the operation will be represented. The input value will be, as given in the parentheses after the name of the input value, expected in the form of a string.

In Intrexx, various sources that deliver the input may be selected. These so-called Parameter Types will be defined via the context menu of the parameter. The context menu Edit opens a dialog, in which the appropriate parameter type may be selected.

Output parameters will be defined in the lower area of the properties dialog of the button.

Insert Data Record

With this action, new entries can be added to selection lists from the browser. The new entries will be simultaneously saved to the data group connected to the selection list. Data groups that exist in parent-child relationships to one another cannot be used in this way. The Insert Data option allows you to choose the selection list to which the new entry will be inserted. The Enter Data option allows you to choose the page on which the new entry will be entered. In the browser, clicking on a button with the Insert Data Record action will open a popup window, in which the new entry for the selection list can be entered.


This action type creates a button, which will show a small calendar in the browser when it is clicked, which allows a date to be comfortably selected. The date will be then automatically entered to the connected edit field. Input the edit field to the Add data selection list. The button can be assigned an appropriate image on the General tab.


This action will show or hide grouped elements in the browser. Select the group to be shown or hidden in the Grouping list. The setting Show Grouping on initial Status will show the group when the page is loaded. Selecting the option Save changes in cookie will return the user to the last status set (group shown or hidden) when the page is reloaded in the browser.

If you enter elements onto a page that the user should not see, the elements can be hidden with the Show/Hide action. Group the elements and add a button, with the Container is shown initially setting deactivated, to the group. In this way, neither the button, nor the elements contained in the group will be shown in the browser.

Show/Hide Flexible

As opposed to the Show/Hide action, the grouped elements will be shown here in the form of a tooltip.

In the Container list, select the group that will be shown or hidden. The alignment of the container relative to the button will be set under Alignment. Values in the fields Offset X and Offset Y define the horizontal and vertical position of the tooltip. The values entered correspond to the distance of the popup window to the button in pixels. With the Opacity slide, the level of transparency will be set. A transparency of less than 100 percent will make page elements under the popup visible. Please note that the tooltip will always appear transparently if a background color is not defined (Views tab in the properties dialog of the grouping).

The Automatically close checkbox will close the popup window after the time that has been entered under After ... milliseconds has passed.

Duplicate Group

This action is available if a Duplicating Group can be found on the page. With this action a button will be created that duplicates the duplicating group that you selected in the listbox Grouping. Such a button will be automatically created and connected if you add the viewelement Duplicating Group to the workspace.

Delete Group

If the duplicating group is used for the input of values for a web service request, an additional button can be inserted to delete redundant groups in the duplicating group. With the action type Delete Group, the corresponding group can be deleted by clicking on this button. Values that were entered to this group will then not be sent in a web service request.


The Search button action is used in connection with the Search view element. You can find all information here.

Create document

Template name expects a template that needs to be defined on the corresponding view page.

Three options are available for output formats.

You can choose between Server standard, Same as template, and PDF.

Link Destination

For the actions No Action, Save and Delete in the Link Destination area, you will define the page to be loaded when a user clicks the button in the browser or an entry in a table which is defined as link. In the Jump list, an application page, for the action no action an URL or the start page of the application can be defined as link target. The link destination is automatically entered to the Destination field as soon as a page is clicked in the application structure underneath. In the Application list, select the application that contains the target page. Back jumps to the previous loaded page.

If the link destination is selected from a Calendar element, you can jump to the Plugin page here. To the portal start page loads the start page for the current portal.

With buttons that execute jumps to edit pages, the setting to Create new record can be activated. The edit page will then be loaded empty and without data for the purposes of creating a new data record. In the same way, the option to Jump to existing data record can load an existing data set. In the Primary Key field, a data field of the current data group can be entered, the value of which will be compared with the primary key of the target data group. If the values are equal, the corresponding record of the target data group will be loaded in the target page.


The setting to Open in current window will load the target page in the window currently open. Open in main window will load the target page in the main window. The setting to Open in a popup will load the target page in a tooltip. Open upon mouseover can also be set here, which will cause the target page to be shown in a tooltip as soon as mouse contact is made.

With the setting to Open modal the tooltipcan no longer be left via the link to Close popup / tooltip or via the close symbol in the upper right-hand corner. A modally opened tooltip can only be left and closed via buttons that you have configured accordingly.

Show page title has the effect that the title of the page in the browser will be shown in the title bar of the tooltip. With Show close symbol, a symbol will be shown in the upper right-hand corner of the tooltip, allowing the tooltip to be closed.

With the setting to Open in print view, the target page will be displayed in a format for printing. For this, the target page must be loaded in a popup window. The Print view setting has no effect for pages in the main window. In the print view of a page, all buttons will be hidden. At the foot of the page, the Print button will be automatically displayed, which will open the system dialog for printer selection.

““ In order to print shadows and borders, please activate the option to Print background colors and images in Internet Options / Advanced in your browser. The printing of headers and footnotes can be controlled via the browser menu item File / Page Setup.

Within Popup Window/ Tooltip Window

Intrexx Application pages can be loaded in popup windows or shown as tooltips. By clicking a button with the setting to Close popup / tooltip, a popup window will be closed, and a tooltip will be hidden. The target page can be reloaded with the setting to Reload window.

Delete / Save in Link Destination

If the target page is opened in a popup or a tooltip, you may define here the area of the page, from which the target page will be loaded, will be refreshed. After the save / delete action is completed, the entire page (or just the table) can be refreshed. If the button is located within a free layout table the free layout table can be reloaded as well. In that case, select <Current free layout table> (in angle brackets) from the Update following areas list.

Send e-mail

In the properties dialog of a button, on the Actions tab you have an option to specify the sending of an e-mail. When a user clicks on a button that has been so configured, the sending of an e-mail is triggered. The Email service in the Intrexx Tools module needs to be configured if you wish to use this function. If no recipient is specified, the e-mail will be sent to the current user. Activate the setting Send e-mail here by clicking in the check box. Then click on Configuration.